The research and development work carried out by the BONY laboratory is recognized by its peers.
Two oral presentations were given to BONY during the ECerS congress in Lyon, in July 2023.
Entitled “Understanding of wear mechanism and development of innovative refractories for hazardous waste incineration using rotary kilns”* and “Study of refractory tiles compaction behavior during shaping with modified Cam-Clay model”**, these two oral communications highlight the achievements and BONY's successes in the incineration sector.
It is with great pleasure that we announce that Audrey Tixier received the 1st Gustav Eirich Prize, on September 28, 2023, for her thesis work in the field of refractories.
This distinction reflects Audrey's professionalism and demonstrates the quality of the research carried out at BONY.
* Understanding the wear mechanism and development of innovative refractories for the incineration of hazardous waste using rotary kilns
** Study of the compaction behavior of refractory tiles during shaping with the modified Cam-Clay model